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UNI-T UT61D+ True RMS Digital Multimeter

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UNIT UT61D+ is a cutting-edge multimeter known for its exceptional performance and reliability. This digital multimeter stands out with its advanced features and accuracy. It is equipped with true RMS capability and offers a high display count of 6000, providing precise and reliable measurements. With the ability to measure up to 1000V AC/DC, the UT61D+ ensures accurate readings for various voltage sources. Additionally, it comes with an audible and visible alarm system, enhancing safety measures by providing warnings specifically for high voltage/current and temperature measurements.

Here are some key features you may find in the UNIT UT61D+ Digital Multimeter :

  • True RMS
  • Data hold/back light
  • Max/Min/Relative mode
  • USB communication
  • Input protection
  • Diode/continuity test
  • NCV (audible/visual alarm)
  • LoZ AC V
  • Peak Hold




AC voltage (V)



DC voltage (V)



AC current (A)



DC current (A)



Resistance (Ω)



Capacitance (F)



Frequency (Hz)

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